

Closure is the most esoteric of JavaScript concepts

Functions with memories

When our functions get called, we create a live store of data (local memory/variable environment/state) for that function’s execution context. When the function finishes executing, its local memory is deleted (except the returned value) But what if our functions could hold on to live data between executions? This would let our function definitions have an associated cache/persistent memory But it all starts with us returning a function from another function

Functions can be returned from other functions in JavaScript:

function createFunction() {
  function multiplyBy2 (num){
    return num*2;
  return multiplyBy2;
const generatedFunc = createFunction();
const result = generatedFunc(3); // 6

Calling a function in the same function call as it was defined:

function outer (){
  let counter = 0;
  function incrementCounter (){
    counter ++;

Calling a function outside of the function call in which it was defined:

function outer (){
  let counter = 0;
  function incrementCounter (){ counter ++; }
  return incrementCounter;
const myNewFunction = outer();

When a function is defined, it gets a bond to the surrounding Local Memory (Variable Environment) in which it has been defined

What can we call this backpack?

The backpack (or closure) of live data is attached incrementCounter (then to myNewFunction) through a hidden property known as [[scope]] which persists when the inner function is returned out

Let’s run outer again

function outer (){
  let counter = 0;
  function incrementCounter (){
    counter ++;
  return incrementCounter;

const myNewFunction = outer();
const anotherFunction = outer();

If we run outer again and store the returned incrementCounter function definition in anotherFunction, this new incrementCounter function was created in a new execution context and therefore has a brand new independent backpack

Closure gives our functions persistent memories and entirely new toolkit for writing professional code